did you know ...Kansas edition
Did you know? Kansas is not flat. It actually has a pretty (as in attractive) rolling landscape. Just not many trees. Did you know Kansas is hot in July? It is. 😑 It was admitted into the union as a "Free State" (which also happens to be the name of a fun brewery/brew pub in Lawrence). Did you know the University of Kansas's mascot is the jayhawk? And the university is in Lawrence. Their cheer, "Rock, Chalk, Jay Hawk, KU" was performed at the Olympics in 1920 for the King of Belgium who asked to hear a "classic American college chant". Who knew???🤷 It was originally developed by their science club. The hill the university stands on is a type of limestone, chalk rock. 🧐 Wilson is the Czech capital of Kansas and has the largest decorated Czech egg in the world. Why? A Czech immigrant, wanting to create a Bohemian (Czech) community, placed advertisements in Czech papers in the east, west US and Europe to come to Wilson, and they came. Did you know...