
Showing posts from October, 2022

Flies, fly traps, flat tires, ancient beavers and the Oregon Trail

It was hard leaving my sister,  but we knew they would be joining us in a few weeks in Stehekin on Lake Chelan in Washington, so that helped. Our next stop was Minatare Lake, just outside Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Our campsite, on Lake Minatare, was at a state recreation area.  There were lots of big old cottonwood trees that provided shade. Cottonwood are interesting trees, deep furrowed bark and silver colored leaves. It was quite attractive. There was one problem. FLIES. There were tons of them and they were everywhere. Ugh. We had fly swatters, but that wasn't nearly enough ammunition for the battle at hand. So Martin went on an expedition and came back with fly traps. Again, who knew there even was such a thing???  Japanese beetle traps, yes, but regular old house flies??? We put one up on one of the old cottonwood trees and it made it better, tolerable at least. I learn something new everyday.  And … while we're discussing "problems" … let's just say we were ve...