
Showing posts from January, 2023

Death Valley?

We're on the road again! We flew into San Francisco. I have to give a shout out to that airport. It's beautiful, it's clean, it's QUIET,(oops, I mean, it's quiet). It is a "quiet airport".  No announcement blasting over the speakers, no music blaring to try and cover the ambient noise, just signs saying it is a quiet airport and to please use earbuds to respect everyone's privacy. My blood pressure dropped the minute I left the plane and I continued to zen out as we went in search of our luggage. I don't mean to keep going on, but they even have a mini-museum, and the exhibit celebrates opera and costume design honoring the 100th anniversary of the San Francisco Opera Company. Of course I made Martin walk through it, and to his long suffering angst of having to put up with my whims, that always make us late …(he went along with fairly good grace). The exhibit was incredible. These amazing costumes worn by true geniuses of the operatic s...