Starting up the California coastal highway: vibrant green, masses of flowers, big noses and castles in the air
After our time with the wolves, we headed back out to the coast and went up the famed California Route 1 Coastal Highway. This mid California coastal area from south of San Simeon to Big Sur to Monterey is absolutely stunning. Green hillsides, mountains, bluffs, vineyards, coastal mountains dropping in sheer vertical cliffs, combined with farms, meadows and flowers all meeting the great Pacific ocean, sometimes with sandy beaches, sometimes with spectacular drops and dangerous rocks, sometimes with sea stacks and sometimes with hidden coves. It is a wonder. On a personal note, I will say that I consumed a great deal of Dramamine, at times hung my head out the window like a dog, and freely cursed (I might have even embarrassed a sailor or two and poor Martin had to plug his ears) the people who made the road for not making it more straight and level. 🙄 I was perfectly happy once we arrived at each place, but the process of get...