organ mountains peaks national monument
We finished our nearly month-long exploration of Texas and headed over the border to spend some more time in New Mexico. Specifically we headed for the Las Cruces area and the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument but, true confession, also to electricity. It had been a more than two weeks and we really needed to get everything recharged! The Organ Mountains are a beautiful mountain range north northeast of Las Cruces. I was more than a little curious about the origin of their name and after pondering it, my mind came up with several possibilities … none of which were the real story. Apparently, as a pioneer passed through the desert, he looked up and thought the peaks resemble organ pipes. The landmark mountains have been referred to as the Organ Mountains ever since. We hiked a couple of trails and enjoyed the beautiful vistas. From the back of the mountains you could just see White Sands NP, a glowing white area, far out, just as the horizon sta...