dinosaurs and more
Dinosaur National Monument, Utah Back in Utah again to see dinosaur national monument. We camped along the Green River and again I must say Utah has more than its fair share of absolutely glorious natural features. I think so many of us are totally unaware of its beauty. Dinosaur National Monument has one of the world's most outstanding collections of dinosaur bones ever found in one place. There were several nearly complete skeletons with articulated bones (ie the bones were connected in order), the largest collection of stegosaurus bones ever found, dinosaurs that had never been identified before, big dinosaurs and little dinosaurs all jumbled together. This amassment of bones is believed to have accumulated in a log jam in an ancient river that dinosaurs used as a source of water, for hunting and where they died. During droughts many dinosaurs died around the river and when the river flooded, their bones were washed into the river. The bones became fossi...