
bird bonus blog (BBB)

Bonus blog:  BBB   birds in action Vancouver edition   While in the Vancouver area l had an opportunity to get some birds in action doing regular old bird things like … a heron catching a fish, flipping it down it's beak and swallowing it, crows and seagulls chasing a bald eagle, Canada geese and goslings making their way across a park and into the water as well as some other shots of other birds. So I decided to make a BBB (birder bonus blog). Mostly pics.  If you're not that interested in bird pics you can just skip it and wait for the next travel update. On to pics: birds at Porteau Cove  Oystercatchers  Canada geese  surf scooters  female common merganser  Steller's Jay  Yellow-rumped warbler  bald eagle on the point Two bald eagles being chased by ravens  Blue heron flying by the point looking for the perfect spot to land goslings in the park Mom and Dad with the wee ones Uh oh…one’s starting to “explore”… Mom has her job shooing them across the busy bike path Meanwhil