I ❤️ Assateague Island How to begin. I could start with the facts. Assateague and Chincoteague are barrier islands off the coast of Maryland and Virginia. Assateague is 37 miles long and approximately 1.5 miles wide at it's widest point offering both ocean and bay, eastern and western facing water views. It has a variety of wildlife including wild horses, which shall henceforth be referred to as ponies. "Just the facts ma'am, nothing but the facts." Sorry, this is not really my style. 🤷 Or, I could start with my childhood again and my passion for reading and active imagination. How I read a book called "Misty of Chincoteague" and fell in love. I could identify with so many aspects of the children's lives, but could only dream about a marshy landscape, living on an island (sigh) and a round-up, pony swim and auction where even a girl might be able to have a foal, raise it and ride it. The book was so popular the author, Marguerite H...