
I ❤️ Assateague Island 

How to begin.  

I could start with the facts. Assateague and Chincoteague are barrier islands off the coast of Maryland and Virginia. Assateague is 37 miles long and approximately 1.5 miles wide at it's widest point offering both ocean and bay, eastern and western facing water views.  It has a variety of wildlife including wild horses, which shall henceforth be referred to as ponies.

"Just the facts ma'am, nothing but the facts." 

 Sorry, this is not really my style. 🤷


Or, I could start with my childhood again and my passion for reading and active imagination. How I read a book called "Misty of Chincoteague" and fell in love. I could identify with so many aspects of the children's lives, but could only dream about a marshy landscape, living on an island (sigh) and a round-up, pony swim and auction where even a girl might be able to have a foal, raise it and ride it. The book was so popular the author, Marguerite Henry, wrote several sequels. Oh, such fuel for my imagination!  ❤️

Or … I could start by saying that going to Assateague Island and actually seeing "this place". The place, that I had secretly held in a treasured spot in my heart, was one of Martin's and my first dates.  He suggested it, but he had no idea of my secret passion, only that it was a place he loved and thought I might too.  Need I say more? ❤️❤️

Or … I could start by saying that many, many Hain family summer vacations were spent camping at Assateague Island National Seashore playing in the waves and sand, ghost crabbing at night on the beach, catching blue crabs at the old ferry landing, riding bikes, taking cold showers (there was no hot water in the national park) and of course, falling in love with the deer and bunnies, but especially with the ponies. ❤️❤️❤️

It's a very special place for us and it felt like we were coming home.

Martin worked. I know he's supposed to be retired, but he's had quite a bit of work to do finishing up jobs that weren't quite done or delayed by … yes, you guessed it, Covid. (The gift that keeps on giving!)

I had time to organize and settle in our new home and we both had some time to relax, do a bit of walking and bike riding. It was glorious. 

The weather was the complete opposite of Williamsburg. It was chilly and windy. One day the highs were in the 50s! About a 40° temp change 🙄

The funny thing is Martin had switched weeks with Williamsburg thinking a week might make it cooler there and warmer at Assateague.  "The best laid plans ..." HA!

Just goes to show, you can't predict the weather. 😂😂. (And it did warm up as the week proceeded.)

Mostly what I want to share with you from Assateague are images and I hope they emote in you the same joy, wonder, amusement, surprise, peace and serenity that I always feel when I spend time here.

Assateague skies

5 Minutes in the Life of a Foal

"I'm bored."

"Hey, what are you doing?'


"I want to play."


"Oh...I'm too tired. Go away and find something else to do."

"OK. Hey! Look at this pokey outey branch! I can scratch myself on it!!!"


Life is endlessly fascinating for a foal and the entire herd show endless care, protection and patience when raising their young.

More wildlife:

Seagull reflecting on the bayside

The bandit


 I'm sure you don't see me because I'm hiding behind this blade of grass.

Sika deer having a snack



Horseshoe crab

We had visitors in our campsite the first morning 🙂 (taken through the screen door of the camper)

So tired. The baby must have a nap. ❤️  

Hope the people in that tent didn't have plans to get up soon!

"All the adventuring and napping make one hungry!"

I had company one day for lunch. Thought I'd try a selfie ...

… then one got a little closer than I was aware of 😱😂😂😂


Ghost crabs dig holes in the sand. They are one of nature's efficient excavators. Note the sand in the right claw. They carry it out of the hole and fling it, then go back for another load.  I didn't have all the bells and whistles figured out on my camera and just couldn't catch this guy flinging his sand no matter how hard I tried. But it was fun to watch and you'll get the idea.

He has a fresh load that he is about to fling.

Now he's back in his hole, picking up the next load.

Here he is again. He always has the load in his right claw.  He must be "right clawed" 😂

Ghost crabs! How can you not love that little face❤️

Flowers of Assateague 

Honeysuckle - the fragrance wafted onto the trails and roads as you went by.  it was so sweet.


Prickly Pear cactus


 a parting image for a flight of imagination

And now we start the turn west. Stay tuned for adventures in Shenandoah NP.


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